The  best float tanks have heaters that are shielded and do not have lots of EMF exposure. Some have blocking plates built in and others ahve none which you have to put your own stickers on the tub to help either transmute or block the Emf so the water is not radiated and the water becomes unstructured and hydro-phobic.

​If you want to see the effects of radiated water and soaking in a water of irradiated water, just measure your voltage of your body before and afterwards. Every Radio Shack has the meters and I use it every day. Most kids have a voltage of lower than -30 millivolts. The more tired and sick people are the higher this number gets.
Sitting near the airplane engine or using a powerful hair dryer can also effedt the body voltage. Just try it next time. You will be shocked. I always take my Dr Gauss meter that costed me about 30 bucks and it is probably the best thing I have ever bought.

There are also grounding and earthing mats that can go on the floor under the float tank and that can help too.
The most expensiv eheaters are the infrared heaters that produce heat that emit super low emf. The heat feels different than most heaters in that it feels like sitting in the shade when the sun is out in full. Not like sitting in a hot car.The heat tempuerature feels the same but the way the frequencies of EMF are different is the main difference.

If you dont konw if the heaters are infrared or standard, the best thing to do is to just wear an Emf blocking pendant and that will block the Emf. I strongly promote these pendants and I will give someone free Emf blocking pendant free of charge to anyone that calls. They cost around 160 in stores and that makes it unaffordable to most people. Thanks to all the people that donate to my site I can make all of this happen.

There is less Emf when the heater is outside the tank and the water is heated when you first get in but cools down during the session. It cools slowly but after a few hours or when sleeping in it the body slows down and the body gives off less heat. After about 2 hours many people notice the gradualness of the temperature of the tub gets cooler and when the body is at rest is when people get cooled faster and then it is when they want it warmer. A continuous heater is always better if people want to sleep in it. If you ahve a non-continuous heater, its always better if the air temperature in the room is warm. Many people put portable heaters in the room.

Ifthe person is going to float just for an hour the benefits of a continuous heater is not as noticable. For those that are sensitive to Emf the only option is not gettign a continuous heating float tank. Again, you can also buy blocking Emf stickers and products to block it, much stronger than the emf blocking stickers that go on yoru cell phone. I have both. I have the 55 dollar stickers, the 160 dollar pendants, and the pens that also block or transmute the Emf. I will give anyone who wants one for free. Why? Because I can. Please dont question my people about why or try to figure us out. Please accept the gift. Release ==== receive.
With Gratitude.
Please read my heating types page.
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