The best drainage systems keep the epson salt in and the toxins and used water out. The drainage systems can be on the bottom or the side or in the lid on the top of the float tank. This is the most expensive and requires more pumping instead of gravity where the water flows naturally. This conserves pounds and pounds of epson salt that gets expensive to replace, especially if you sent salt to be infused and have to get it mailed back to to you.
Some drain faster than others. Sometimes, certain people get in unwashed and filthy and the whole tank has to be drained and it takes longer for others to drain than other tanks. A good drainage system usually comes with the better filtration systems.
Just like any drainage system, some are more prone to clogging than others. Some drains cna get clogged with hair and film and corrosion. Make sure the drainage system has a good warranty and it is covered if anything goes wrong with it.