Questions you "should" know the answers about if interested in a float tank.
My questions do not have any hidden agendas and they are designed to help someone along in their quest. The information submitted will not be shared with anyone. Check the answers that are most appropriate so you can be one step closer to know what your looking for.
I offer sliding scale prices on
float tanks for kids with autism.
Do you want a tank with or without an enclosure?
Where did you try your first float experience?
Do you float regularly?
How many people will be floating at the same time?
Do you care about noise?
do you want a motorized door?
How importance is looks of the float tank?
Will people be using it that have lotions or gels in their hair?
What type of heater do you want
Do you want a larger size?
Do you want a longer warranty?
Will anyone ever sleep overnight in the float tank?
Do you want a home theater in your tank?
do you want any handle bars for ease getting out?
Do you need it to be portable?
Do you need it to be light proof?
Do you need it to be sound proof?
What type of float spa do you want most?
Have you tested your body voltage with a meter from Radio Shack?
Do you want your salt infused?
Do you want a used or new float tank?
Do you want colored lighting in your tank?
Do you care where your dealer is?
Do you have to have a USA service center?
What price range would you like to be in?
Would you consider letting other use your float tub that are interested in buying one?
I will usually get back to people within the hour. I keep my phone on me and get your quiz right away.
Best time to call:
Please give me feedback and criticism so that I can make my site better and help you easier.
I will only make recommendations based on the answers you give to pick out the right float tank.
Is there anything else you would like me to know about you so I can make a better recommendation?