There are many types of filtration systems companies are putting into their float tanks. Some are noisier and higher wattage and other work slower and have much less power. The average float tank filtration systme has 300 watts.

Depending on how many people will be using it a day, some tanks have ozone and UV lamps to further purifiy it. A 50 watt or higher UV lamp is really good to have if the spa is used by many people every day.

The epson salt draws nasty lactic acid and toxins from very toxic people into the water. The filtration is very important if people are going to be detoxing for hours in the spa.

Make sure that the filters are designed os that salt is not loss each time you change the filters. Filters that are top loaded are better for those that don't want to lose salt, especially if the salt has been infused which can get quite expensive.

​Some spas put chlorine or peroxide in the tubs to help disinfect the tub. Some even use bromine based products. It is not to avoid the bacteria cuz the salt helps kill almost all the bacteria and germs. It's the clinliness and smell that sometimes gets funky without having a good filtration system. Depending on how fast the continuous filtration is, this is what makes one system better than the other.

You can be less dependant on the the filtration system if things are used to restructure the water.
​I have plenty of these and if anyone wants one for free that reads this page, I will send one free of charge. I enjoy being the first person to tell people about them. It will help remove all the hair gels, lotions, bacteria, and dust and makes the water more hydro-phobic. Please contact me if you want one of them. It is my pleasure to be the first one to let people try them.

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